🕊️2023 🕊️

This is wonderful New Year, please don’t bring the old into the new. Do inventory over yourself so all may do better in this year. Learn by mistakes, stay out of people affairs. Don’t get caught up in family mess and don’t take sides. Pray about everything and all things, get instructions from the Lord how to handle the situation. Don’t go by your emotions or you get set back for some 5-10 years because all know better.

Keep God first place in all you do ,cover yourself with the blood ,keep healthy relationships and treat others how you want to be treated. Trouble is easy to get into but hard to get out of and sometimes if not careful it will cost everything even your life.Know the people that in your circle, Becareful going into familiar areas, make a mends, watch well as pray. Becareful and not so trusting to leave your children’s with everyone you must have sharp discernment.

Don’t jump ahead of God nor walk behind him walk side by side with him trust him like never before. Time is not going to get better but worse because of the end-time . God will perfect those things which concerns you, and he will protect his own who will need to his voice. But you got stop listening to Satan influence and whispers in your ears. When you know something isn’t right stop compromising and let complaining go both is a part of Satan tools to gain control,to take your soul.Stop being salve to enemy.

Even in trouble times God has the best for his people if you want it, you do not want second best or crumbs from the floor you are better than that. Stop agreeing with deceit and being deceived by wanting to get paid or to have sex when you know the person is not right for you. Let God take you out the pit to place. You are worthy, valuable, special, loved, and appreciated, you are great an God loves each one, your dearly and wonderfully made, you have everything God has it a gift that comes through obedience ,obeying brings the blessing and rewards it unlock all favorable doors.

Are you tried of being under a curse for disobedience, and self inflicted curse by what you speak out your mouth? Are you tried giving enemy permission to torment your life ,when will enough be enough it time to walk in fullness of God blessing the choice is yours,come from among them walk into favor,victory,healing, unlimited blessings, it’s your time now stop settling for less,it’s your time to be blessed now. Don’t take 2022 into 2023.

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